Vigilante 8

Vigilante 8

Vigilante 8

It's 1975. A raid on a secret military base arms two psycho motor-gangs with enough firepower to wipe out the entire Southwest. And only you are crazy enough to join the fully-loaded, off-road warfare.


Vigilante 8

It's 1975. A raid on a secret military base arms two psycho motor-gangs with enough firepower to wipe out the entire Southwest. And only you are crazy enough to join the fully-loaded, off-road warfare.

Luxoflux, Inc., Activision
Luxoflux, Inc.
Simulation > Vehicle > Combat
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

All standard characters

Select the "Game Status" option. Choose any character, then enter GANGS_ALL_HERE as a password.

Alternate view

Press Select during game play to see the steering wheel and driver's hand.

Change music

Wait until a level completes loading, then switch the game CD with an audio CD of your choice. Pause game play to select a new audio track. A prompt for the game CD will appear after the level is exited.

Glitch: Float in mid-air

Go to the Sand Factory and drive on one of the ramps. Drop a Magnet mine. Drive over the mine, then destroy the ramp. If done correctly you will attract the surrounding cars, and they and your vehicle will be flying in mid-air.

Glitch: Underground mines

Launch Cratermaker, then put mines in the crater before it flattens itself. Let the crater flatten, then return to that location. If your enemies did not detonate the mines, they will be underground, and you cannot detonate them. If you placed magnetic mines there, the mine will pull your vehicle, but with a weaker force than normal.


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