Muramasa Rebirth: Fishy Tales of the Nekomata

Muramasa Rebirth: Fishy Tales of the Nekomata

Muramasa Rebirth: Fishy Tales of the Nekomata

"Fishy Tales of the Nekomata" is part of the "Genroku Legends" DLC set in the "Muramasa Rebirth" universe. As Okoi, you are a demon-cat with powerful claws that can rip your enemies down. If you choose, use your demon powers within to call upon a flurry of cats or even turn into a demon cat that can unleash a hurricane of destruction. Journey to reclaim the tea set and along the way seek your revenge, but beware, new bosses and enemies await, ready to tear you down.Featuring a whole new storyline, a new fighting style and even new bosses, "Fishy Tales of the Nekomata" is an action-packed...


Muramasa Rebirth: Fishy Tales of the Nekomata

"Fishy Tales of the Nekomata" is part of the "Genroku Legends" DLC set in the "Muramasa Rebirth" universe. As Okoi, you are a demon-cat with powerful claws that can rip your enemies down. If you choose, use your demon powers within to call upon a flurry of cats or even turn into a demon cat that can unleash a hurricane of destruction. Journey to reclaim the tea set and along the way seek your revenge, but beware, new bosses and enemies await, ready to tear you down.Featuring a whole new storyline, a new fighting style and even new bosses, "Fishy Tales of the Nekomata" is an action-packed...

Aksys Games
Role-Playing > Action RPG
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Muramasa Rebirth: Fishy Tales of the Nekomata (Vita). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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