Time Avenger

Time Avenger

Time Avenger

In the region of Awelsia, vengeful Freya travels with an unknown weapon called "AeternoBlade" to take revenge from Beladim, the Lord of the Mist who destroyed her village, Ridgerode, and killed her tribe. Her vengence is helped by Vernia , who has as much merit as Beladim. Vernia taught Freya about the ablility of AeternoBlade.Freya has to venture in many world dimensions to find how to annihilate Beladim.What is AeternoBlade? and How can Freya take revenge from Beladim ? Solve tons ton of mysteries in her adventure!


Time Avenger

In the region of Awelsia, vengeful Freya travels with an unknown weapon called "AeternoBlade" to take revenge from Beladim, the Lord of the Mist who destroyed her village, Ridgerode, and killed her tribe. Her vengence is helped by Vernia , who has as much merit as Beladim. Vernia taught Freya about the ablility of AeternoBlade.Freya has to venture in many world dimensions to find how to annihilate Beladim.What is AeternoBlade? and How can Freya take revenge from Beladim ? Solve tons ton of mysteries in her adventure!

Corecell Technology
Corecell Technology
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (US)
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