Tecmo Bowl

Tecmo Bowl

Tecmo Bowl

Tecmo Bowl


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Tecmo Bowl (Nintendo Wii). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Codes for Chicago Team

Password - Effect

28359F90 - Div. Playoffs 1
6AF5DF96 - Div. Playoffs 2
AB7DDFAB - League Playoff
A99FDFA9 - Super Bowl
68141095 - Week 2
A8251099 - Week 3
29251294 - Week 4
2B251A9E - Week 5
6BB59A92 - Week 6
2AB59E91 - Week 7

Invisible Team

Enter the password: 3 9 7 B F F A 5

Mirror Team Passwords

These passwords allow you to play against the same team you selected:

Password - Effect

6 9 7 B F F A 5 - Chicago
4 9 A F F B A 9 - Cleveland
6 3 A E F F A 5 - Dallas
C F B F F 7 A O - Denver
C C A F F 7 A D - Denver
4 3 A F F E A C - Indianapolis
9 6 9 F D F A 5 - Los Angeles
4 6 A F F D A B - Miami
A C 3 7 F F A 9 - Minnesota
2 6 9 D F F A 1 - New York
9 C 3 F 7 F A 5 - San Francisco
9 3 A F E F A 5 - Seattle
9 9 7 F B F A 5 - Washington
5 B 7 F B F A 3 - Washington

Passwords to play in the Tecmo Bowl

Password - Effect

A89FDFA8 - Chicago vs. Los Angeles
289DFFA0 - Chicago vs. New York
0C9EFFA9 - Denver vs. Dallas
16AFFDAB - Los Angeles vs. Miami
9437FFA3 - Los Angeles vs. Minnesota
967FBFA5 - Los Angeles vs. Washington
072F7FAA - Miami vs. San Francisco
24AFFDAD - New York vs. Miami
1DAFF7A6 - San Francisco vs. Denver
1FAFEFA0 - San Francisco vs. Seattle
9C7FBFA5 - San Francisco vs. Washington
13AFFBA9 - Seattle vs. Cleveland
937FBFA5 - Seattle vs. Washington
587BFFA0 - Washington vs. Chicago


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