KickBeat: Special Edition

KickBeat: Special Edition

KickBeat: Special Edition

KickBeat offers players several innovative ways to interact with music. The game combines beat-matching mechanics with an acrobatic style of martial arts, turning every song into a raucous battle. The game also features a music analyzer that allows players to create new tracks from their own music libraries.


KickBeat: Special Edition

KickBeat offers players several innovative ways to interact with music. The game combines beat-matching mechanics with an acrobatic style of martial arts, turning every song into a raucous battle. The game also features a music analyzer that allows players to create new tracks from their own music libraries.

Zen Studios
Zen Studios
Action > Rhythm > Music
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy "Fists of the Black Lotus" and "Fists of the White Lotus" achievements or trophies

Select Free Play mode and the Master difficulty setting. Set the "Music selection" option to "Playlist". Select "Create New Playlist". Add more than thirty minutes of music. You can check the total length of your playlist by looking at the top-right corner. If desired, select the same song multiple times. Select "Back" and save the new playlist under any name. Choose the newly created playlist start it. Complete all the songs in your playlist without leaving Free Play mode. You pause the game if desired. You do not have to beat songs during your first attempt. Dying and repeating a song without restarting the entire playlist is allowed.

Easy "It's All in the Mind" achievement

To reach a 500 combo you must beat 500 enemies in the row without any mistakes. This involves kicking each enemy and picking up every bonus from them, including non-score bonuses such as Chi, etc. To do this easier, select Survival mode. Keep restarting it until two easy songs appear (for example, enV songs or any song you are skilled at). Complete both of them perfectly.

Easy "Pure Perfection" achievement or trophy

  • Select "Help & Options", then "Visuals" and disable the "Clean HUD" option. Select a slow-paced and relatively short song, such as "enV - Bloom". Play the desired song until all hits are "Perfect". After each hit a circle around you will blink with hit precision information. If it is not a cyan "Perfect", restart the song. You will see the number of perfect hits at the end of the song. You do not have to build a perfect combo. Ignore collecting the power-ups and concentrate on perfect hits only.
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  • Consider using the "Scum of The Earth" song because it is short and the rhythm is consistent. Although the first three notes are somewhat difficult, there is one spot somewhere in the middle where the rhythm has a small variation.

Easy "Unlikely Survivor" achievement

Restart Survival mode until an "enV" song appears on the second position. Pass the first song and intentionally lose 90% of your health while doing so. Although your exact health is not displayed, if your health appears as a round dot with a very small tip that is not larger than dot's diameter it will be in the correct range. Continue to the next track and pass it perfectly.



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