FIFA 2005

FIFA 2005

FIFA 2005

FIFA 2005


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for FIFA 2005 (Xbox). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Be Celtic or Rangers in career mode

When you first try to start a career in Region 1, you will notice that you cannot be Celtic or Rangers. However, if you select "Back" then go in again several times, Celtic and Rangers will appear at the selection screen.

Better Physical Percentage

This is a very good tip when you are playing the career mode or tournaments. After you finish a game, the physical percentage of your players decreases and maybe you're going to choose another one just to recover that percent, so save and quit your career, load it again and the physical percentage of your starting lineup will be much better.

Change Song

Just press the right trigger and it will automatically change the song.

Changing teams in category

When you start a new season and cannot find the team, go back then enter that category again. The teams will change.

Easy goal from penalty

To score an easy goal from a penalty, just tap B with no direction pressed. You will nearly always score.


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