Haunted Mansion, The

Haunted Mansion, The

Haunted Mansion, The

Haunted Mansion, The


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Haunted Mansion, The (Xbox). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Ballroom gusts

In the ballroom(220 souls needed) when you beat the ghosts go to the front of the room and a gust of wind will come you need to the front of the room again so you need to let the spiders get you in their web and wait till two spiders have you the kill one and then let another one get you when you get to the top you will fight a giant spider go as far back as possible then shoot.

Ballroom hint

At the Ballroom, you will be pushed by wind. Now, what you have to do is try to get pulled by the spiders web, and when you get pulled to the spider you shoot it,and then another spider might pull you right after that. Keep recently doing this
until you get to the mother spider. Hold in L1,and keep on using the powerful attacks. Eventually, you'll beat the spider and you'll have to face Atticus Thorn.One of the ways you can beat him is, to hide behind a wall, charge up your attack,and keep on shooting him. Remember, after every shot,go behind the wall and charge your attack again.

Health Restoration

Save and quit your game. Then load your saved game, and you'll begin at the save point with full health.


During gameplay hold Right then press X, B, B, B, X, B, Y, A.

Secret Area

In the great hall/first level go to the fire place and go to the left. You will see a bat statue go to it and press "B".Once you have done that go back to the fire place and walk down into it.


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