Oddworld Stranger's Wrath

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath




Cheat Codes/Hints


Enable "Cheat mode" first. Click Left Analog-stick twice, Right Analog-stick twice, Left Analog-stick twice and Right Analog-stick twice.

Black Market

After you beat X'Plosives turn him in but don’t get another bounty. Go outside and talk to townsfolk. You will ask them where X'Plosives got all his weapons. On the side of the road there will be a female clakker. If you talk to here she will give you the password to the black market. The market is located up the street from the Bounty Store. In the market you can buy Wasps, Bola Blasts, a Regen Upgrade, Stamina Upgrade, and Steel Knuckles.

Cheat Mode

Press X, X, Y, Y, B, B, A, A on controller two to enable cheat mode.

Defeating Elboze Freely

Stand on the air chutes so you keep bouncing up and down. Have the Zappfly equipped. Whenever Elboze tries to attack you, he will not be able to because he cannot go through the air chute. Whenever he gets close and you are up above,
shoot the Zappfly to his tender spot on the back. You can wear down his energy until he is knocked out.

Defeating Secto

In order to defeat Secto, you must go through two of his spider pets. Shoot them with Sting Bees and Bombats. If they get too close, hit them with Riot Slugs until they disappear and run away. If they catch you in their whirlwind attack, just aim and shoot until they run away. After you defeat them, you must fight Secto. When fighting him, hide behind the big rocks until he shoots you with his giant laser. After the rock breaks, shoot one of the two power generators at the bottom of him. They have blinking lights on them. Shoot them until one of the blinking lights gets broken off, then run and find another rock to hide behind. You must do this about ten times. If you need more ammunition, there is plenty around. Just wait until after he breaks your rock, get some, then hide again. After you destroy all of the blinking lights on his power generators, he will die.



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