Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (Xbox). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

2,500 Free Credits

On the quest on Telos where you have to get the dorid crendentials for the Ithorian, go see the guy who has them and tell him you'll take care of his debt. Go see the head Ithorian in the Ithorian compound and tell him you need 2,500 credits and he'll give em to you. Go back to the guy with the crendentials and go through dialogue until you can kill him and then kill him. Take the credentials and then you have the left over credits the main Ithorian gave you.

A great way to get easy money!

This tip will get you little dark side points and can give you a lot of free credits. Once you first enter TELOS and get your weapons back, there is this Twil'ek that works for the exchange and he lives in one of thoseapartments close to the one that the TSF officers put youy in. He will say that he bet his girl friend (who is the green dancing twil'ek in the cantina) in a game of Pazzack to this Twil'ek in a red suit in the Cantina in Enertaintment Module 081. you can either gamble the gf or buy it from her. once you own here, talk to her. when she asks you what you are going to do. say that she will stay there. after some amounts of time or when you finish a little side quest, go back and talk to her and she will ask you if you want her earnings. say yes and you can get easy money! i made like over 3000 credits in profit!

A little head's up....

If you're reading this, and haven't gotten off Peragus, you may want to follow this advice. Kreia should not be given any feats involving 2-Weapon fighting. It's a huge waste. Why? Play the game a bit more and find out.

A New Sith Lord at the Start Screen

Establish yourself as a particularly evil Lord of the Sith, and you may get to see your character as one of the loitering Sith Lords at the start screen.

A way to get a Silver Lightsaber Crysatal

On Nar Shadaa there are two merchants, Geeda and Oondar. If you talk to Oondar he will complain about a Not-male Rodian. Ask him why there is no line and he will tell you about Geeda after that, choose the dialogue option about her. If you help him he will give you a discount. Talk to Geeda about Oondar and she will give you a discount. Talk to Oondar and he will threaten you. Tell Geeda about the deal, and she will say you have to choose between Oondar or herself. Side with her and ask about opening trade routes. She will tell you that she can trade with Dantooine and Onderon if you resolve the situiations on them. Complete Dantooine then talk to her about opening trade routes then about Dantooine. She will have more items to sell, including a Silver Lightsaber.


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